At Trussville Gas & Water, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality water system possible. This week, we have received several calls from customers in the Carrington / Argo area who are experiencing a slight change in water pressure. We want to communicate the cause of this drop in pressure.
Our water filtration team is currently working on a water pump test which includes a fluctuation of water in our tanks. This water fluctuation is causing a small drop in water pressure at the meter. Additionally, we have several of our tanks that are being prepared to be repainted in December and will be out of service for approximately 45 days during this process. These two maintenance projects have caused less than a 10 psi drop in water pressure for our customers north of Deerfoot Parkway.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) regulations require that water be at least 20 psi at the meter. With the current testing of our water tanks, the lowest reading we have received at the meter is 25 psi, which is still well within the range of ADEM requirements.
Our commitment to our customers is that we will continue to meet or exceed ADEM water quality standards as we endeavor to provide the safest, highest quality water system possible. We ask for your patience as we continue testing our tanks and preparing for their maintenance over the next few months.
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